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23 March 2014

Laguardia to Dallas Fort Worth

My Uncle gave a drop to the hotel. Thanks a ton for him for picking me up from the airport. Otherwise I would have stood there for some time thinking about the taxi rental.

Flight was at 6 in the morning and I was out from the hotel by 3:30. Came out to click some pics and instantly I got frozen. Rushed to the hotel again and waited for the shuttle to pick me up.

Got a Delta Airline pilot as a company. For a formality I asked about the flight control and for the next 10 minutes I had a wonderful seminar from him. Good!

New York was sooo beautiful at night. The view from the flight was just amazing. 

By the time the flight approached DFW airport, the sun started rising at the horizon.

Got out from the airport in 30 minutes and headed towards the hotel. And a new phase started in United States.

London > NY

After a waiting time of 4 hours, started off from London to New York. A wonderful journey towards the destination.


What was that? A cloud field? Awesome view...

At the end of the 16th hour, all I wanted was a bed. Before the next flight, time to take a break.

Can I get a taxi.

The Voyage from Bangalore to United States

That was a very long journey. Bangalore > London > JFK > LaGuardia > DFW > Arlington...28 hours of journey got culminated with a 6 hours straight nap. 

But never got bored. Enjoyed each and every bit of travel, especially the outstanding view from the flight. Capturing every moment on board, I just killed the time with excitement.

Comparing the landscape with the flight map, it was a bit of geography class happening for me. But enjoyed it like I never done it at the school :)

Always wired (even with the in-flight WiFi), it was fun to be at the places where I have never been before and connected to my dears at home.

Started off with a nice breakfast.

Came across this while browsing through the movie library. 

Fabulous view of the Caspian sea

Exiting the sea

Never heard about the majority of the places on the map. The world is sooo huge.

Exiting the Black Sea

Never got a chance to travel during the day time. Several times, Ani reminded me about the astonishing view of the clouds below. Enjoyed it to the core. So beautiful the creation of my God is!

The next ride. The hulk is getting ready

An exchange. Dollar for Pounds. The result - Chocolate FlapJack. Yummy it was!

Assembly going on?

See the white dots. They are all giant wind mills, harnessing the power of the nature. A view while nearing London.

The arial view of London city. Did God just took a break from the puzzle game? What a view!

Circling over the Thames River to get the landing clearance. Nothing can beat that view. Just Wow!

10 March 2014

Dear ones in Bangalore after a long time

It is 1.5 years before they visited us in Bangalore. We wanted them to be here, to spend time with us in our place, where we live... And they came and we had a wonderful time with God's grace...

Moments like this kind, helps to realize how blessed we are, for having a wonderful family in this world to love and take care of. 

The Promised Outing

We love to play with this little guy. And he often take some time out from his parents to play with us. Enjoyed this outing to the core...