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06 December 2014

Lakewood Church & Joel Osteen

The worship team getting ready for the service
I've been watching his live sermons for almost two years now. But never tried to search his church location. Not in my wildest dream I thought of standing at this church in my lifetime.

I was surprised to hear from Paul that his house is only few feet away from the Lakewood Church. Really? - then what am I waiting for.

Searched for the worship timing for the next day and reached the church an hour before. As I was a first time visitor, they gave me the seating in the second row. Wow that was great.

I was excited to live in one of my dreams then. Worship for half an hour and there comes the person whom I admire the most...

And the best part, I could meet and talk to Joel after the service and got his autograph on my bible. 

Fantastic Experience...

The stage getting ready
Stadium size church got filled in minutes after this click
Joel on the stage with his joke of the day. I couldn't believe that I was watching him live, few feet away...
Hung around the church for sometime. Church getting ready for the next service.
Joel's autograph on my bible
Soo great and nice to meet you too Joel...

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